Sunday, October 17, 2010

Halloween Countdown Continues


It's been fun to post a zombie picture a day (most days) on my Flickr site ( ); particularly because I like themed series, I like square format, and I like to play with the aspects of fear and aesthetics. Using toys as models gives one total freedom as well. They are not concerned with their best angle, how good or bad they look, or for that matter, if they look spooky or pretty.
Speaking of which... Aaron and I did a little face-paint experiment last night. It was Aaron's wish for a while now to paint a "skull face" on me and take pictures, and that's what we finally did. I just took a few shots with my iPhone, and feedback I got from friends was interesting... For some, incredible transformation and scary one, too. For the others, fun little experiment, and pretty too. Strange, no?
Earlier today we were at the Halloween store, looking at props, masks, and costumes. (Aaron needed more face paint.) There, at the store, I found a lot of things scary, and plain disgusting - and very few, if any to be aesthetically pleasing.
Again, one wonders where are the lines, and how we draw the lines between the horror and beauty...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Halloween Countdown

Zombie Queen

I decided to do a fun little project and post a zombie picture a day till Halloween.
Started a few days ago, and it looks like I need to find more zombie toys!

Enjoy the creepy feelings!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Being of Light

Being of Light

Every day we have a choice - white ball or the black ball. Which is it going to be for you?